EFT for a Better Financial Situation

by Mary

I have made some negative decisions that I am trying to overcome including financials - is it possible to use EFT for manifesting a better financial situation.

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Jan 02, 2016

by: Eloisa

Yes, we can use EFT to have experiences different from the past in any area of our life, including finances. The past need not determine our present experience, nor carry into the future, unless we bring the thoughts and beliefs held in the past with us.

So, you would need to use the EFT to target what you see as a problem in the past so that you can have peace around it and not bring any fear into the future which would just manifest as more of the same.

Since you seem to be holding yourself guilty for having made "negative decisions" in the past, work to release all the guilt there.

You will know you are done when you realize, at the moment you made those decisions, they were the only thing you could see as possible and therefore, in that limited frame of mind, could not have decided differently.

The problem is not you and your ability to make negative or positive decisions, but the limited frame of mind that you get into when making those negative decisions.

See if you can find the fears that put you into that limited frame of mind where your choices appear limited and then release those fears with the tapping.

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